Be A Part Of It!
Help make this place a reality

We need your help. Chabad’s work is supported solely through our partners in the local community. The vision and generosity of community-minded people like yourself will transform this project from architectural drawings to reality. Please join a group of far-sighted individuals who are investing in this vital endeavor. Your generous support will be an eternal tribute to your concern for the vibrancy of Jewish life and learning in our community.

Our Capital Campaign has thankfully enjoyed considerable success as we strive to construct "A Different Kind of Place" for our children, for our parents, and for every Jew. We are currently in the final stretch to achieving our campaign objectives and completing construction. Your generous financial commitment to our Capital Funds Campaign will have a dramatic and refreshing effect on the quality of Jewish life in St. Louis. Your support is needed to turn this vision into a reality.

Dedication Opportunities

Building Dedication - RESERVED

Assembly Hall - RESERVED

Library - RESERVED

Lobby - $100,000 Reception/Admin Space - $36,000 Conference Room - $50,000
Offices (x2) - $36,000 each Lounge Area - $25,000 Ner Tamid - $18,000
Art Pieces (x3) - $10,000 each Food Prep/Break Room - $50,000 Mezuzot (x8) - $5,000 each
Tallest Menorah in Missouri - $7,500
Pledge Information
I/We hereby pledge to give the sum of $ to help build the Lazaroff Chabad Center.

I/We have indicated above, the dedication selected for our pledge.

We wish to pay our pledge:

In full at this time. Annual installments of $
Quarterly installments of $ Monthly installments of $
Card Type: Card Number
Expiration Date: / CVV
Personal Information
First Name Last Name
City State Zip
Phone Email